Stonecrest Educational Fund is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation.  

Your Contribution is Tax Deductible 

Supported by the help from real people, just like you.

                 WHAT WE DO
Stonecret Educational Fund works with parents, schools, libraries, and science centers to encourage academic performance and general civic and artistic knowledge among our youth.  We inspire our youth to greater performance in the rewarding fields of S.T.E.A.M.(science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics). We make it clear that it is a good thing to be a good student.  We provide moral and tangible support to our youth.

                    WHO WE ARE
Stonecrest Educational Fund is an organization of dedicated, socially responsible residents of the beautiful community known as the Parks of Stonecrest.  We are located in DeKalb County, and Rockdale County, Georgia, a short distance from the City of Atlanta.  We have decided to take positive organized action to improve the academic performance and civic-mindedness of K-12 students in our community and surrounding region.